
My First Photo Competition

     Well, I've decided to jump into the world of competitive photography.  I did it...  I JUST submitted my first photos to a competition being sponsored by PDN and National Geographic Traveler called The Great Outdoors Contest.  I figure (just like blogging) no time like the present to start.  I'm not sure if it was laziness or nerves that's stopped me from entering competitions the past.  But man, now that I've done it I'm stoked. . .  I'm not even thinking about the outcome, I'm just excited to have tried something new. . . and now I'm ready for the next one.

     I've always believed in these two things (not that I've always followed them)
  a) Do something that scares you everyday 
  b) Try something new everyday 

     Well . . . today I've done both . . and do I feel good!  Man, why don't I listen to my inner thoughts and self-help books more often!!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, try something new and do something scary (but not too crazy)

     These are the pics I submitted (of course all three are of the Island. . . Mackinac, in case you haven't been keeping up).


Mai Anh.. a beautiful artist inside and out

Last week I had the pleasure to shoot Mai Anh's one day solo art exhibition in Montecito, CA. The beautiful event was hosted by Kim Kieler, owner of Kim 3.

For those of you who don't know of Mai Anh, she is an amazing artist and has been called the most influential Vietnamese painter of our time. I had seen her work published in books, and as prints but seeing the original paintings took my breath away. She creates a world of depth and lighting that is unbelievable while using only black and white. I've never seen anything like it. And to top it all off, she had the most joyous soul. Her smile ran deep. You could tell she is a woman who does what she loves and loves to share what she does.
Thank you Kim and Mai Anh for allowing me to be part of this special occasion.


Statemynt. . . the latest and greatest place to be!

I just wanted to take a second and send a huge congrats out to my friend Matt and his partners for opening the newest bar in Santa Barbara, Statemynt (519 State Street).

It's got a great vibe, with awesome music, and amazing artwork all over the walls. It's the perfect blend of bar, lounge and dancing (which is always my favorite). And to top it off the people that work there are all super cool and friendly from the bouncers to the bartenders to the owners-- like Cheers with music and dancing... no Woody Harrelson (but Casey's a close second).

Here are a few pics from their opening night (packed wall to wall I might add). They had an incredibly talented drummer and trumpet player that played live along with the DJ.

So if you get the chance check this place out...


An afternoon in the Haight: Colors, Vintage & Canadians!!

     A couple weeks ago I had to get out of town, get creative and clear my mind.  Whenever this happens San Fran is my destination.  The 5 hour drive in my little Corolla, hair blowing in the wind, and music blaring (good thing no one else is in the car... my voice is not for the pubic to hear) is the best therapy a girl can have.  Plus some of my favorite people in the world live in SF and I always love to visit!

     This particular trip was all about just being in the city: coffee shops, dim sum and the awesome SF vibe.  My great friend Paula decided it would be fun to just wander around the Haight (she's a Vintage queen and I was secretly hoping some of her coolness would rub off on me).  Now, the one thing about the Haight... you never know what you will see.  I grabbed my brand spankin' new wide angle and we started walking.    From the first Vintage shop we stepped into I was in photographic heaven.  I'd never realized how many cool fabrics, colors, and funky people you can run into in these stores.  I loved it!! 

     After an hour or two of vintage window shopping (and shooting) it was time for a break.  A classic irish coffee (another SF fav) was calling my name.  While Paula and I sat at a cute irish bar in the middle of Haight we started chatting with three lovely gents... who happened to be from Windsor.  Now being the Michigan girl that I am, I OF COURSE knew where Windsor was (for those of you that don't its the border town across from Detroit).  They on the other hand were surprised to find anyone on the opposite side of the country who knew of their fine land (and were quite excited to chat about it).  Soon after, some guy with a pretty nice camera walks in . . . we exchange glances (checking out each other's equipment, as photographers do) .. and next thing you know we have a New Yorker and his Brazilian Bride joining the party.  From here, our new found posse traveled across the street to a great back patio.  We sat outside as the sun went down and laughed and laughed and laughed.  

     It's an amazing thing when a group of strangers meet for a moment in time and laugh as if you'd all known each other for years . . . kind of gives you hope in the world!!  Thank you my new friends!

And so once again, SF...  you've proved to be my creative muse and inspiration, plus a whole lot of fun!


p.s. Boris, you sure are lucky you didn't drop my camera... 


A little more about me . . . and the places I love

I'd have to say that I am truly a product of my environment... mix together a small midwest town, a magical island with lots of bikes, an obscure Eastern European country, then throw in a west coast paradise . . . and there you have it... Andrejka "girl next door"...

I was born in a small cornfield of a town in the middle of Michigan. From there I traveled north to an island with no cars (but plenty of horses and bikes)... and now I live in paradise... ask me which place is best, I can't say... each has and always will be a significant part of me.
I love my midwest roots... with Slovenian parents to add a twist (hence, Andrejka). This area gave me a deep appreciation for family, simplicity and finding natural beauty in everything, plus the european influence always spiced things up.

Then came Mackinac (from now on referred to as "the island"); the tropical island everyone dreams of ...(only this one forgot about the tropical and got lost in Northern Michigan). This place is more magical and unique then I have space here to write. For some strange reason, this island has attached itself to my heart and will never let go. I discovered this place 8 years ago while running an art gallery for the extremely talented Marlee Brown at the Grand Hotel... every since I've been returning what is beyond a normal amount. Last year I took the 2 hour drive, 2 plane rides, another 2 hour drive, and 30 min boat ride from SB (just for the weekend I might add) ... 10 times. . . and still every time I step off that boat dock I get butterflies in my stomach.

And finally, my home . .. Santa Barbara, California (aka paradise) . . . what can I say . . . it's the American Riviera . . . it may be expensive as all get out but man, ... we got the mountains, we got the ocean, we got great weather, we got great people, and we got GREAT grocery stores (you'd understand if you grew up in the midwest) . . . plus it is one of ... if not the ... top location for a destination wedding ... a great place for a photographer ;)


And so it begins...

Ok, where to start... first off, I have to say I've been trying to do this blog for a few weeks now... trying to get it just right with the perfect graphics, perfect colors, and perfect words. . . well, last night while visiting my new dear friends Anna & Michael Costa, ... Anna basically threatened my life if I didn't go home immediately and get this thing up (sorry I'm late, girl) . . .

That said, I must admit I'm really excited to finally be doing this. Guess I just had to just jump right in and start. I can't wait to share my thoughts, adventures . . and of course misadventures with anyone who's willing to listen (or I guess read). Take your time, get to know a little about me, and I'd love to hear from all of you.

While this blog may not be perfect in color, shape, or words . . . I promise, it'll all be written from the heart! Hope you all have fun, enjoy reading and maybe even gaining a little knowledge along the way (that I'm not promising though).

With much love,
(my first post finished ... phewww... I did it)

(Also, this photo and the one on the right were taken by the AMAZING Rob Kalmbach (check out his blog!)