
An afternoon in the Haight: Colors, Vintage & Canadians!!

     A couple weeks ago I had to get out of town, get creative and clear my mind.  Whenever this happens San Fran is my destination.  The 5 hour drive in my little Corolla, hair blowing in the wind, and music blaring (good thing no one else is in the car... my voice is not for the pubic to hear) is the best therapy a girl can have.  Plus some of my favorite people in the world live in SF and I always love to visit!

     This particular trip was all about just being in the city: coffee shops, dim sum and the awesome SF vibe.  My great friend Paula decided it would be fun to just wander around the Haight (she's a Vintage queen and I was secretly hoping some of her coolness would rub off on me).  Now, the one thing about the Haight... you never know what you will see.  I grabbed my brand spankin' new wide angle and we started walking.    From the first Vintage shop we stepped into I was in photographic heaven.  I'd never realized how many cool fabrics, colors, and funky people you can run into in these stores.  I loved it!! 

     After an hour or two of vintage window shopping (and shooting) it was time for a break.  A classic irish coffee (another SF fav) was calling my name.  While Paula and I sat at a cute irish bar in the middle of Haight we started chatting with three lovely gents... who happened to be from Windsor.  Now being the Michigan girl that I am, I OF COURSE knew where Windsor was (for those of you that don't its the border town across from Detroit).  They on the other hand were surprised to find anyone on the opposite side of the country who knew of their fine land (and were quite excited to chat about it).  Soon after, some guy with a pretty nice camera walks in . . . we exchange glances (checking out each other's equipment, as photographers do) .. and next thing you know we have a New Yorker and his Brazilian Bride joining the party.  From here, our new found posse traveled across the street to a great back patio.  We sat outside as the sun went down and laughed and laughed and laughed.  

     It's an amazing thing when a group of strangers meet for a moment in time and laugh as if you'd all known each other for years . . . kind of gives you hope in the world!!  Thank you my new friends!

And so once again, SF...  you've proved to be my creative muse and inspiration, plus a whole lot of fun!


p.s. Boris, you sure are lucky you didn't drop my camera... 

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