
A little more about me . . . and the places I love

I'd have to say that I am truly a product of my environment... mix together a small midwest town, a magical island with lots of bikes, an obscure Eastern European country, then throw in a west coast paradise . . . and there you have it... Andrejka "girl next door"...

I was born in a small cornfield of a town in the middle of Michigan. From there I traveled north to an island with no cars (but plenty of horses and bikes)... and now I live in paradise... ask me which place is best, I can't say... each has and always will be a significant part of me.
I love my midwest roots... with Slovenian parents to add a twist (hence, Andrejka). This area gave me a deep appreciation for family, simplicity and finding natural beauty in everything, plus the european influence always spiced things up.

Then came Mackinac (from now on referred to as "the island"); the tropical island everyone dreams of ...(only this one forgot about the tropical and got lost in Northern Michigan). This place is more magical and unique then I have space here to write. For some strange reason, this island has attached itself to my heart and will never let go. I discovered this place 8 years ago while running an art gallery for the extremely talented Marlee Brown at the Grand Hotel... every since I've been returning what is beyond a normal amount. Last year I took the 2 hour drive, 2 plane rides, another 2 hour drive, and 30 min boat ride from SB (just for the weekend I might add) ... 10 times. . . and still every time I step off that boat dock I get butterflies in my stomach.

And finally, my home . .. Santa Barbara, California (aka paradise) . . . what can I say . . . it's the American Riviera . . . it may be expensive as all get out but man, ... we got the mountains, we got the ocean, we got great weather, we got great people, and we got GREAT grocery stores (you'd understand if you grew up in the midwest) . . . plus it is one of ... if not the ... top location for a destination wedding ... a great place for a photographer ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi! I came across this site completely by accident after an hour searching the internet for an item not remotely related to photos or blogs, etc. If I had to retrace all those mouse clicks that put me to this spot, I would say it's impossible. Anyhow, your first blog is great as is your photography! We share a love of Mackinac and cameras. Continued success to you!

Kacie Jean said...

Hey girl!

I really want to see a picture of you trekking around the island on your bike pulling all your camera equipment behind you! Love it! Can't wait to see the wedding photos from your island adventures this summer!