
One Man's Treasure . . .

OK, I apologize ... I've slacked off a bit this week with my blog, but my excuse...I've been in debates what to write about. It's been a bit of a crazy week. My mind has been completely full of garage sale stuff (wasn't sure people would want to hear about that). Then I realized there was a little lesson in it. So, my dear friends, Kirsten and Nick, held a fun little enlightening garage sale this past weekend and allowed me to join in. I know it probably would have been a bit more sucessful had I posted this BEFORE the garage sale (but. . .oh well, better late then never).

Although I didn't necessarily rake in the big bucks it was an awesome time to clean out all the junk I hold on to, and to really think about the things I want to keep. It made me realize the value I put on things has very little to do with the initial price tag and more to do with the item's journey. For example I had a set of photo tinting pencils that I probably bought for $10 ten years ago. One would think at garage sale they would be maybe $1 . . . but everytime someone asked about them I said $5 (of course they didn't sell) and finally I realized these little pencils represented a time in my life. A time when I would hand color all the images (especially the ones I shot in Italy) I developed in the darkroom in college. In a way they represented a part of me and my story.

So just something to think about ... the next time your sorting through your closet, what do the things you keep around and hold on to say about
your story?

On a side note the people watching is amazing. . .one could have a sociology class right there in the front yard!!

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