
Exciting stuff from Mackinac . .. Publication & Representation

So I must apologize for being off the radar for the past week. I just returned from an awesome trip to the island. Not only did it include two amazing weddings (stay tuned pics will be up shortly), beautiful fall weather, and winning the football pool... that was a first (must have been beginners luck)

. . . but I had not one but two exciting new thin
gs happen in regards to my more fine art island photography.

1) Thanks to the work I did for the Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau last year I was published in a new national magazine that is incredibly beautiful called Flower Magazine . . . take a look below

2) I just found out that I am going to be represented next year by an art gallery on the Island called
Victorian Summer Gallery. They will be hanging a collection of my more fine art Mackinac images. So if your ever on the island check that place out to see some of my other Mackinac stuff.

One last little note . . . Ahhhh, ... how I love fall on the island. Things start to slow down, the leaves start to change and the air feels so clean and crisp... nothing can compare... it always energizes me for the next step.

May you all find that rejuvenating moment.


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