
Google Images...

So... it's getting late. . .and in an attempt to procrastinate I decided to "google image" myself... which I feel everyone should do at least once ... you never know what comes up when you google your name... WITH an image... well I am going to share with you the results...

Take a look... its my claim to fame... I made the front page of the Napa Valley Register a couple years ago (I had forgotten about this). I attended what is annually known in Napa, CA as the Mustachio Bashio on the day after Thanksgiving (every year). It is an extremely fun fundraiser for UCSF's Children's Hospital... It was an unbelievabe event for a good cause. Every male has a mustache (a la Tom Selleck era) and every female must be dressed a la 80's.. or basically as crazy as ever...

so here's the pic... you'll have to google me to see the whole article...

Man I loved those glasses!! (It's me.. I promise)

Have a fun time the rest of your week...


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