
Cool little gift...

So as I was perusing Etsy* looking for neat things I came across this little gem and had to share it...

Ego Award Ring
How cool is this ring . . .AND, you can get it engraved with anything you want. It's hand made in Argentina and costs $20 ($6 shipping anywhere). How awesome would these be as bridesmaids gifts, thank yous... heck even just a simple "Love"...

As a side note I have to pay props to my friend Nicole who is in the process of opening an AWESOME store on Mackinac this year... called "Little Luxuries of Mackinac Island".. once her website is up I'll let you all know... this place is going to be THE place to by not only great little Mackinac things but little gifts that can be incorporated into your weddings... she is the one who got me turned on to Etsy (an awesome shopping site for all things handmade and special... some really really cool and unique things here... check it all out)

Have a fun day!



Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Andrejka! The new store is still in the works but it will be open this coming May. If you are on Mackinac this summer please stop by Little Luxuries and say hello!

Sarah said...

I was going to ask you when the store would be open by June (when I'll be on the island.) I would love to visit it. One of these days I am going to email you.