
Overcoming ridiculous fears... with an Italian Dinner!

First off I am not afraid of Italian dinners... not even close... BUT... many people would never guess it but I am COMPLETELY intimidated by any social gathering which involves meeting new people ... (surprising since I shoot weddings for a living)

Well, last night I ignored this little fear and went to my dear friend's house for a wonderful Italian potluck dinner... I walked into a room full of new faces...YIKES! Took a deep breath ...
and within minutes we were all laughing and bonding over a meal brought together by each of us (gotta love potlucks)... as a side note one guest was from MI and knew of the "island"...phew something I can always talk about.

Plus it always inspires me to be around people who have taken the leap, followed their passions, and started their own businesses... my friend Gabe is an amazing graphic designer who has built a successful business from the gro
und up... check out Insights Design To Gabe and everyone else last night, thanks again for a great dinner, encouragement, and inspiration!

May you all realize your ridiculous fears... and face them . .. sometimes they can turn out to be fun.

Have a wonderful weekend.




Cherry Thomas said...

LOL. I know what you mean. Actually, that's how we met, huh-both of us making ourselves go out to a function that requires interaction with strangers. I think I'm getting a little better with every time I do it. But it's still scary! :)

mary jane said...

I'm so glad you could talk about "your island"! You light up when you talk about it. LOL. So cute!