
Slovenian Food, Girl Friends . . .and MOM

I may be thirty but one thing you never grow out of . . . mom's home cookin!!! I got home late Monday night from Mexico. . .walked into my house being met by my mom (visiting from Michigan) with a big gigantic warm hug . . . and a kitchen smelling of home-cooked yummy goodness!!

Tuesday I had planned for a special girls night dinner. You see my mom has kind of adopted all my friends here in SB. So when she is in town I have to schedule about ten different "play dates" so she can see all of her "California daughters"... so a couple years ago we started doing a girls dinner. . .mom cooks an amazing Slovenian meal for all of us. Its the perfect time for her to see all my old friends and new friends (don't worry Mom LOVES cooking for 15 people . . at least she says she does ;)

It was an amazing evening of love, laughter, sharing and fun! Plus who doesn't love momma's slovenian cooking.

Here are a few pics from the evening (granted photos don't do slovenian cooking justice)!!

some buttered noodles . . .cucumber salad. .. it may look scary but it is my favorite food on earth!!!!

To all my girls (Mom of course at the top of the list). . .you rock!! You are all my inspiration!!!

Love you all...

1 comment:

mary jane said...

I'm so bummed I missed it! It looks yummy! :)