
The Knot Magazine...

Oh my goodness. . .I can't believe I forgot to mention that The Knot just recently contacted me and will be featuring one of my weddings "Sara & Dan" in one of their upcoming issues and on their website

I am sooo excited... I've always had The Knot as one of my goals. It's funny that the minute you reach one goal you take about a day to celebrate... WOOO HOOO... then it's on to the next. . . guess that's what keeps us all moving forward.

The spread will be featuring Sara and Dan. T
hey are such an amazing couple. They were married this past July at the St. Anne's Church and the Inn at Stonecliffe on Mackinac. I'll let you know when it hits the newstands!!

Hope you are all having a beautiful weekend!! I know I am, 75 degrees and sunny... friends visiting from out of town... and an AWESOME and unique shoot today (just wait. .. you'll hear about it tomorrow)

May you all feel the thrill of attaining a goal . . .and start reaching for the next!!


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