
Tea Fire...

So, I know . . . again I have been a slacker with the blogging but it's been one of those times when it's been insanely crazy and yet not at the same time (and to be honest I have had complete writers block)... But the last couple days have been a little different. For those of you that haven't heard we've been having a wildfire burn across Santa Barbara. Luckily now it seems to be contained... but for a little bit there it was definitely touch and go.

Thursday night around 6pm I was getting ready to leave my office in Montecito and walked out to a wall of flames. I must say, being a mid-west girl with lack of fire knowledge except for "stop drop and roll", I had NEVER experienced such a thing. To make a long story short, after a very long and somewhat emotional night of being glued to a friends TV (our power was out)... I was sure the office was gone along with a very close friend's home. At that point I felt such sadness and emotion for a place that was not even mine that I couldn't imagine what the 100's of people who have lost their homes must be going through right now.... or even worse for those that still don't know if their house is standing.

Luckily as the smoke cleared Friday morning, my office and friend's place was still standing. That day I became a little rebellious and cross the evacuation line to stand on the roof in the heart of the evacutation zone to try and capture what was occuring. My pictures don't due justice. I did however capture the helicopters and fire crew dropping water in preparation for what could have been another long night. It was quite surreal to be so close to such destruction.

I realize that this was not the largest fire this year, but it was the closest to my heart and I can now truely understand the rollercoaster of emations and thoughts that can run through one's mind in such a time.

To all those who have lost their homes my heart truly g
oes out to you... and to all the firefighters, and police... you have been doing an AMAZING job. I am so proud of our community and the emergency system they have in place.

I have truly had my eyes opened to the indiscriminate power of this type of disaster.

May all of you be safe and happy . . . and appreciative for everything and everyone you have in your lives. . . I know I am today!!


Also, my thoughts and prayers are with all those in LA who are currently fighting more fires and more winds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im glad you and everyone close to you are safe. I'm sorry you had to go through such a scary experience.