
"Dialed In" . . . Sara & Dan

In honor of my brand new friends. . . Sara & Dan (my couple with amazing teeth from last weekend... as they should they met in dental school) . . . I am "dialed in" . . . to everything

So I came to notice as the day went by that "dialed in" was the saying of the day.. . everything was dialed in this... dialed in that ... as Dan said at one point "Sara is definitely dialed in ... with a look of amazement, awe and pure joy he laughed into her eyes...

I was starting to get "dialed in" myself . . . until I heard them use it in a context that threw me off... "this storm is dialed in for sure" (i thought dialed in was a good thing,this storm not such a good thing) . . . I finally said (with a true Princess Bride reference). . .I do not think that word means what you think it means. . . (ala Inigo Montoya) they picked up instantly and started laughing and explained "Dialed in" to me in all it's references and terms...

(BTW there was so many laughters and smiles this day that my stomach was sore the next... along with my legs from biking 8 miles to keep up with
them around the island...note to self must train better for next island wedding)

Hey Sara & Dan . . . Your California photo girl from OE is officially "dialed in" . .and takin' it cross country... You two are awesome! I had such a blast with you guys. And the double rainbow at the end of your beautiful day was just as rare and amazing as the two of you. Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of your wedding!!
I can't wait to keep in touch and hea
r how everything is dialed in from here on out...

Love, A

Here are just a few pics... more to come..

my new little assistant Lucas and his photo . . . we have a genius on our hands

how sweet are these locket cuff links (just had to share)... Sara's gift to her dad
ok, so this pic just makes me laugh the priest is completely giving Dan the look... hmmmm


Unknown said...

You are truly awesome!! Thank you for posting pictures so quickly, they are amazing! I'm so excited you got the double rainbow! Thanks again....you've truly touched our hearts! We love you, you little OE girl!!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are awesome! I have never met a photographer that was so great with kids. Thank you for making Lucas feel so important.


P.S. Lucas has pointed out the picture that he took. He thought that was great that it is next to his picture.

Thanks again.

Andrejka said...


It was such a pleasure. . . I had so much fun with them...

Give them both a big high five from me!!